Hello! 👋 I'm Ronn — IT student with a knack for user-centered experiences and systems.

Currently a systems development intern at Abenson and IT student at De La Salle University. Previously a UX/UI design intern at White Widget. I also craft website specials for The LaSallian.

Profile Picture

Juan Government

E-government web redesign and chatbot

A proposed design and chatbot for Philippine government websites, using Design Thinking. This project aimed to provide an intuitive way to access information about public services and create a seamless, accessible experience across government web portals.

  • Design Thinking
  • Figma
  • Interviews
  • Space Saturate and Group
  • Remote Testing

On Different Pages

Website for a student election special

Web counterpart of The LaSallian's special edition issue on the 2023 DLSU student government election. This site features an interactive view of candidates' stand on issues along with a curation of articles, portraits, and links.

  • Figma
  • PHP
  • JS
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap


College merchandise e-commerce store

A minimalist online shopping platform for college merchandise such as shirts, hoodies, and caps. The site includes a product catalog, checkout, and payment pages, designed based on collected user insights.

  • Figma
  • Surveys
  • User Acceptance Test

Rant and Rave

Publication website

A sub-site of The LaSallian, showcasing review articles for the media industry. Articles are fetched through the WordPress API. The site includes a search feature and a way to extract the numeric rating from an article's body.

  • Figma
  • WordPress API
  • PHP
  • JS
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap

Foodcombo Admin

Admin panel web application

An interface to perform CRUD operations on a MySQL database of food items, promo combos, and categories. The app includes a functionality to import and export data in XML format.

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • XML
  • Bootstrap

Bean There, Done That

Café review web application

A platform for coffee shop enthusiasts. Users can create an account, search coffee shops, and add reviews. The app also performs basic encryption on user passwords.

  • Figma
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Handlebars
  • MongoDB
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap